What is Boost Coin, and How Can You Buy the BOOST Token?

Boost Coin has been around since 2021 and, like most other cryptocurrencies, lost most of its value during the ongoing bear market. However, with its recent transition to a new smart contract, the project expects to experience a new “boost.” Only time will tell if this migration will positively affect Boost Coin’s BOOST token long-term. However, on-chain data shows that there’s already been a significant BOOST price pump. Also, with the upcoming bull market on the horizon, now might be a great time to get acquainted with this DeFi project.

Updated 13th September 2023 at 08:00

What is Boost Coin and How Can You Buy the BOOST Token-article

Moving forward, you’ll first have a chance to learn about the basics of the Boost Coin crypto project. This is where we’ll explore the core aspects of the project and answer the “What is Boost Coin?” question. With the gist of the Boost Coin crypto project under our belts, we’ll focus on the BOOST token. As such, we’ll cover the BOOST crypto coin’s tokenomics and use cases. Next, we’ll shift our attention to the $BOOST price. We’ll look at the price action of the token before and after its launch on a new smart contract on September 5, 2023. We’ll also use the basics of technical analysis (TA) to determine significant price levels. 

Using the information about the Boost Coin crypto project and the BOOST token provided in this article, you’ll be able to decide whether or not this crypto deserves your further attention. However, to determine if and when to buy $BOOST, you’ll want to research the asset using the power of Moralis Money.  

For those of you who may decide to buy $BOOST, we’ll also inform you where to find the best market for this token.

What is Boost Coin and How Can You Buy the BOOST Token-official-website

What is Boost Coin? Exploring the Boost Coin Crypto Project

Boost Coin is a crypto project determined to deliver user-friendly DeFi tools. It currently offers a decentralized exchange called BoostSwap, iOS and Android mobile apps, and a feature called Boost Ai. The swap and mobile applications are available to everyone; however, the Boost Ai tool is reserved for BOOST token holders with a stack of one million $BOOST or more.

The Boost Coin went live in 2021, which is also why the project’s official X account dates to that year.

What is Boost Coin and How Can You Buy the BOOST Token-Twitter-account

However, after migrating to a new smart contract, the project and its token are getting a clean slate. After all, as you’ll see in the Boost Coin roadmap below, the project presented this migration as a fresh token launch. That said, the Boost Coin website currently offers the following notification at the bottom of the homepage:

Boost Coin Team and Community

According to the Boost Coin crypto project’s official website and whitepaper, it aims to eventually become a community-driven decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). However, the project points out that in order to first create reliable DeFi tools, it must start its journey as a centralized company.

The website further stresses that the team has more than twelve years of experience and more than 50 members. However, there are no details about the team leaders. But since Pasquale Diamond Celi is the person behind the trading platform, which is where Boost Coin stemmed from, we dare to speculate that Celi is the core figure behind this project.

As for the Boost Coin community, aside from the above-outlined X account, the main outlet is the Boost Coin Telegram group with more than 28k members:

What is Boost Coin and How Can You Buy the BOOST Token-Telegram-group

Plus, you can also follow Boost Coin on Instagram:

You can find links to the project’s social at the bottom of the “boostco.in” homepage:

The Boost Coin Crypto Project’s Roadmap

The Boost Coin crypto project’s current roadmap focuses on the third and fourth quarters of 2023 and the first two quarters of 2024. The image below covers the main milestones:

What is Boost Coin and How Can You Buy the BOOST Token-Roadmap

Out of the milestones planned for the third quarter of 2023, the project launched the BOOST token on a new smart contract. CoinGecko’s listing is also already updated, while the CoinMarketCap listing for now just states that the token migrated to a new smart contract:

What is Boost Coin and How Can You Buy the BOOST Token-CoinMarketCap-and-CoinGecko

As for the launch of Boost Ai, the last update from September 7, 2023, says it is almost done. 

Full BOOST Token Analysis

The Boost Coin crypto project has its native BOOST token, which has been around since August 2021. However, as pointed out previously, on September 5, 2023, the BOOST crypto coin migrated to a new smart contract.

However, the migration didn’t affect its core properties, such as the total supply, token type, and the network on which it lives. So, both the original and the new (migrated) versions of the BOOST token live on the Ethereum blockchain, following the ERC-20 token standard.

The BOOST Crypto Coin Tokenomics

  • Project name: Boost Coin
  • Symbol/ticker: BOOST or $BOOST
  • Token type: ERC-20
  • Network: Ethereum
  • New (migrated) token smart contract: 0x302CAe5dcf8f051d0177043C3438020b89b33218
  • Total supply: 1,000,000,000 
  • Buy/sell tax: 0%
  • Token distribution:
    • 85% added directly into the Uniswap liquidity pool upon launch
    • 6% for future exchange listings
    • 6% for marketing
    • 3% into the Boost team wallet (locked and vested for 36 months, set to unlock 12.5% at the end of each quarter)
What is Boost Coin and How Can You Buy the BOOST Token-$BOOST

BOOST Token Use Case

The BOOST token contributes to BoostSwap’s success. After all, the swap’s 0.3% swap fee directly contributes to the Boost Coin’s liquidity pool. So, regardless of the tokens or coins exchanged on BoostSwap, the BOOST token value increases.

BOOST is to BoostSwap what UNI is to Uniswap, or SUSHI is to SushiSwap.

As mentioned previously, the Boost Coin crypto project plans to become a DAO. When that happens, BOOST will also serve as a governance token.

However, as of now, the most prominent use case of this coin is the fact that it grants access to Swap Ai – a trading bot available inside the Boost Coin mobile applications. Anyone holding one million or more $BOOST tokens gets to access that tool.     

Analyzing the Boost Coin (BOOST) Crypto Price

Due to the BOOST crypto coin’s migration to a new smart contract, most decentralized price tools/charts do not offer the asset’s entire price action. Instead, they allow us to look at the old token and the new token separately.

However, we can use CoinGecko’s page for the BOOST coin. There, the price chart entails both the old and the new tokens’ price activity:


When looking at the above chart, it is important to mind the trading volume. As you can see, the Boost Coin crypto asset wasn’t trading at all between January 31, 2023, and up until the migration took place in September 2023. So, the extrapolation between those points is misleading.

With that said, the above chart is useful to see the asset’s all-time highs and major levels of support and resistance prior to migration. Still, let’s look at the weekly chart of the original (old) BOOST and migrated (new) BOOST separately.

BOOST Crypto Coin Price Chart Pre-Migration


The above three-day BOOST logarithmic chart clearly indicates the asset’s initial run. From its listing price of $0.00057-ish on August 8, 2021, BOOST’s price rallied over the following 72 days. Sure, there were two 45%-plus pullbacks along the way; however, in total, the coin’s value increased by more than 800x in that short period.

After setting its still valid all-time high (ATH) on October 19, 2021, at $0.48-ish, the BOOST crypto coin started its downward movement. Since the end of 2021, when the entire crypto market entered a bear season, the price of BOOST plummeted.

By September 2022, the asset lost more than 99% of its value. However, it was at that time that $BOOST finally found its bottom just below the $0.001 mark. 

Starting in October 2022, the price of BOOST pulled off quite a run. It increased by more than 12x in just 18 days. Then, it experienced a short-lived 62-ish percent correction to retest the previous resistance at $0.0047-ish. However, from that former resistance, the asset went even higher.

At the beginning of December 2022, the price reached the $0.017-ish level. However, it lost most of its progress over the next 24 days, with a new local bottom at $0.0015-ish. From that low, the token managed to double in value but couldn’t break through the $0.003-ish resistance.

After hitting the aforementioned resistance, $BOOST pulled back to $0.00221. On January 31, 2023, it stopped trading at that price.

$BOOST Price Action Post-Migration      


From January 31, 2023, until the launch of the new BOOST smart contract, the token didn’t trade. However, you can see the token’s price action following the successful migration in the above hourly logarithmic chart. As you can see, in the first hour after listing, the price spiked as high as $0.16-ish but closed the candle at $0.012-ish.

Then, the asset pulled down towards one of the previous lowest support levels: $0.0014-ish. From there, it had another success at crossing $0.01 – but just barely. From that level, the BOOST price turned back down but found support at the pre-migration level of $0.002.

Since September 9, 2023, the BOOST coin has been trading mainly sideways, bound to the $0.002-ish-$0.0037-ish range.   

Forecast for the Boost Coin Crypto Token

In case the entire crypto market was to retrace further, the BOOST price is likely to revisit the $0.0014-ish or even pre-migration lows at $0.001-ish. 

On the other hand, if the markets start to recover, BOOST is also likely to increase in value. In that scenario, the previous levels of significance (blue lines in the above two charts) will come into play.

And, since the token’s current price is way below its ATH set in October 2021, the upside potential is quite high. After all, BOOST’s ATH sits approximately 200x above the token’s current price. However, only time will tell if the Boost Coin crypto can catch a lot of traction in the upcoming bull run and reach or perhaps even cross its former tops.     

Should You Buy BOOST?

It is up to you to answer the above question. After all, only you know your current financial situation and risk tolerance.

As such, make sure to use the above-covered information to decide if you find the Boost Coin crypto project and the BOOST cryptocurrency interesting. If yes, then make sure to visit the Moralis Money Boost Coin ($BOOST) token page to research the asset further. To access that page, simply follow the link in the previous sentence or use the interactive widget below. 

Aside from invaluable links and resources, that page also includes BOOST’s real-time, on-chain metrics. As such, you can determine whether the asset is gaining or losing on-chain momentum. And since on-chain activity always precedes price action, you can use those precious insights to determine if now’s the right time to buy $BOOST. 

Boost Coin – Where and How to Buy?

If you decide you wish to get a bag of $BOOST, you have several options. Just use the “Market” section on CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap page for that token. There, you’ll find a list of all CEXs and DEXs that offer the relevant training pair, including the trading volume. As such, you can easily pick a market that best suits your goals.

In case you decide to buy Boost Coin tokens, use the above instructions to find a DEX or CEX that has a sufficient trading volume for that crypto.

If you decide to use a DEX, then you’ll need a hot Web3 wallet (e.g., MetaMask), which you’ll need to connect to the platform. Next, you’ll be able to select the trading pair and execute the on-chain transaction.

In the case of using a CEX, the process is arguably even simpler. After all, once you have your account ready and funded, the process is rather straightforward: simply visit that token’s trading pair and execute the trade. However, keep in mind that whenever you use CEXs, you are not in full control of your cryptos. “Not your private key, not your crypto!”

What is Boost Coin, and How Can You Buy the BOOST Token? – Key Takeaways

  • The Boost Coin crypto project went live in Summer 2021.
  • The project is all about creating DeFi tools. It currently offers a token swap (BoostSwap) and a trading bot (Boost Ai). The latter awaits users with more than one million $BOOST tokens inside the Boost Coin mobile application.
  • BOOST is this DeFi project’s native coin that has migrated to a new smart contract in September 2023.
  • The price of $BOOST is currently very near the asset’s all-time lows, while the token’s ATH sits about 200x higher.
  • To determine if and when to buy $BOOST, use Moralis Money’s token page for that crypto.

Whether you decide to buy $BOOST or not, you ought to expand your crypto horizons by considering other altcoins. After all, the average altcoin tends to increase by 50-70x during a bull market. So, you don’t want to limit your chances of success by focusing on a single token. 

Fortunately, you can use Moralis Money’s core feature – Token Explorer – to find the best altcoin opportunities at any given moment. This powerful tool is your ticket to find the next coin to blow up. Plus, Token Explorer allows you to find tokens before they pump on all the leading blockchains (Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Arbitrum, etc.).  

You can start searching for the best altcoin opportunities for free. However, if you are serious about your altcoin investing/trading, you’ll want to lock in the Starter or Pro plan sooner rather than later. 

WRITTEN BY Matic PircI am an SEO writer, a content creator, a digital marketing specialist, and above all an entrepreneur, with a strong passion for crypto. I believe blockchain technology has a massive potential in helping us create a better, more just, transparent, and globally united future.
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