CAW (A Hunters Dream) Token Price Analysis & Prediction

When it comes to prioritizing decentralization, there are not many projects like CAW. After all, the project completely depends on its community, which interacts and contributes primarily via the “cawdevelopment” GitHub repository. So, only time will tell if the CAW community will manage to cover all necessary aspects to turn CAW’s manifesto into reality. However, regarding the CAW token, it has been around for a while now and has been actively traded on several markets. However, it seems like it hasn’t gotten too much attention, simply just following along in the background. So, we decided to analyze it further, look closer at this asset’s price action, and see where it might be headed.

Updated 25th August 2023 at 19:44

CAW (A Hunters Dream) Token Price Analysis & Prediction-article

The CAW token has been around since the spring of 2022. As such, many of you are already well aware of this community-based token. And because of this, we will dive straight into the CAW coin price analysis moving forward. This is where we will look at what price levels the asset has covered so far. Using the basic TA, we will highlight some core CAW token price levels.

Ee will also play around with a speculative CAW crypto price prediction. However, you should remember that the only way to master altcoin investing is to stay on top of fast-changing crypto markets.

Fortunately, one of the ultimate edges comes in the form of reliable, real-time, on-chain data, which is brought to you by Moralis Money.

You’ll have a chance to find out how to get going with this ultimate on-chain analysis tool below. After all, you can use Moralis Money for a lot more than just determining if and when to buy the “A Hunters Dream” crypto asset, also known as CAW! 

Nonetheless, this article also includes a quick overview of the CAW crypto project and its token. As such, those of you not yet familiar with the CAW coin can easily catch up. 

CAW (A Hunters Dream) Token Price Analysis & Prediction-line-chart

Full CAW Token Price Analysis

The CAW coin started to trade in April 2022 officially. It made its debut on Uniswap on the 14th of that month. However, only five days later, $CAW got listed on MEXC, which is currently a marketplace with the largest trading volume for the A Hunters Dream crypto.

Since there are some strange spikes on the Uniswap chart, we will focus on MEXC’s daily CAW/USDT chart moving forward. In fact, let’s look at that chart right now:

CAW (A Hunters Dream) Token Price Analysis & Prediction-daily-chart-on-MEXC

Before listing on MEXC at $0.00000003, the token had been trading on Uniswap in a similar price range. As you can see, the CAW token price increased by nearly 400% on the day of listing on MEXC. So, the price reached as high as $0.00000014-ish. However, the value of the CAW crypto asset reduced a lot over the next two days (by nearly 60%), marking a local low at $0.00000006-ish.

From the aforementioned low, the CAW coin pumped to the $0.00000014-ish levels, where it got rejected again. And, over the following 13 days, the CAW token price pulled back by roughly 80%. It found its new local bottom on May 12, 2022, at $0.000000027-ish.

That low point served as a springboard that pushed $CAW up. It first had a smaller run with a pullback, followed by another impressive 4x-plus rally in just seven days. This is when the asset marked its all-time high (ATH) value (at least on MEXC) at $0.000000186.

But again, in line with the asset’s high volatility, the A Hunters Dream crypto token’s value took a downturn again. It first formed rather strong support in the $0.000000056-ish region. However, the CAW token price eventually revisited $0.000000041-ish and even as low as $0.000000035-ish. The latter came at the end of November 2022. 

CAW Coin TA (Technical Analysis)

Since that low, the token managed to revisit the top of its trading range as well as the near-bottom region again. And, at the time of writing, the CAW token price sits at $0.000000065-ish. Looking at the image below, you can see that the current level is the most popular for CAW:

CAW (A Hunters Dream) Token Price Analysis & Prediction-fixed-range-volume-profile

One of the most essential parts of TA is to draw levels of significance. For that purpose, we typically start with a weekly timeframe and then move to daily. These are the levels of support and resistance that we get for the $CAW price:

CAW (A Hunters Dream) Token Price Analysis & Prediction-TA

With the important levels of support and resistance in place, we can zoom in on the last couple of months of the CAW coin price action. By doing so, we can spot a down-sloping trendline that got broken on July 14, 2023, and was retested eight days later.  

This closer look also enables us to spot a bearish RSI divergence that played out in the form of the recent pullback. However, that price decrease found it bottom above its previous low. And the asset is now forming an uptrend. 

CAW (A Hunters Dream) Token Price Analysis & Prediction-TA-RSI-trendlines

Since the volume during CAW’s last retracement was rather low, the asset may be ready to take another shot at breaking through the above-lying resistance levels. With that kind of speculation, let’s focus on the CAW crypto price prediction. 

CAW Token Price Prediction

The above-outline levels of significance are the most likely candidates for the CAW crypto price prediction. Also, if the rest of the crypto market manages to hold the current levels and even turn to the upside, CAW’s price could easily continue its move to the upper levels of the asset’s trading range. 

So, the $0.00000015-ish and $0.00000018-ish prices are likely to come into play if such a scenario were to take place.

Additionally, once the next crypto bull market takes place, the CAW coin has a solid potential to break above its ATH. This would put the A Hunters Dream crypto into a price discovery mode. Hence, we can use the Fibonacci retracement tool to obtain another CAW crypto price prediction.  

This tool offers several price levels; however, its most optimistic extension (“4.236”) points to $0.00000054-ish. 

What is the Future Forecast of the CAW (A Hunters Dream) Crypto?

First of all, let us point out that the crypto market as a whole is highly volatile and extremely unpredictable. As such, forecasting price is pure speculation. After all, no one can tell you what price levels the leading crypto assets, such as BTC and ETH, will achieve, let alone smaller market-cap alts. 

So, if you ever see websites offering price forecasts for years ahead, take them as a pure guess. The only way to go about this things is to do TA regularly and also consider the real-time, on-chain metrics, such as those provided by Moralis Money.

However, aside from the above-provided CAW crypto price prediction, we can speculate further. If nothing, for pure fun. 

As such, let’s say that the upcoming Bitcoin halving (April 16, 2024), will mark the beginning of the next bull run. And, let’s say that the latter will reach its peak sometime in 2025. 

If in that same period, the CAW community manages to turn its manifesto into tangible results – create a fully functional “on-chain Twitter” powered by the CAW coin – then the price of the asset could skyrocket. 

Thanks to its decentralized nature and meme-like tokenomics, we can use SHIB’s and DOGE’s ATH market caps to get a purely speculative CAW crypto price prediction for such an optimistic outcome:

  • $0.000068-ish – If the A Hunters Dream crypto asset ($CAW) were to reach SHIB’s ATH market cap. 
  • $0.000118-ish – If $CAW were to reach DOGE’s ATH market cap. 

The above two CAW crypto price prediction speculations are approximately 1000x and 1800x above the current CAW coin prices.  


Is Caw Coin a Good Investment?

No one can predict the future. Thus, answering the above question comes down to the personal financial situation and risk tolerance. So, it is up to you to come up with a satisfying answer.

Of course, you can use this article to help you determine if A Hunters Dream deserves your attention in the first place. If not, simply leave it in the rearview mirror and start searching for other altcoin opportunities. Fortunately, you can do so with just a couple of clicks with Moralis Money’s core feature – Token Explorer!

Thanks to this feature, many Moralis Money users, especially the ones on the Starter and Pro plans, have been pocketing massive profits from meme coins (e.g., PEPE, BOBO, MOG, etc.) and many other, more serious, altcoins (HILO, HAKA, CVX, DUBBZ, etc.).

On the other hand, make sure to research the CAW coin further with the Moralis Money A Hunters Dream ($CAW) token page. This is where you’ll find the tokens chart, smart contract security check details, bubble map (token distribution), and more. 

If you conclude that you do want to get a bag of CAW, make sure to get your timing right. Use TA to avoid entering at a local top and utilize the power of alpha metrics. These are Moralis Money’s real-time, on-chain insights that you can also find on the token’s page.

With that said, follow the above “$CAW” link or use the interactive widget below to explore the A Hunters Dream crypto further.   

What is the Best Place to Buy the CAW Token?

If you decide you wish to get a bag of $CAW, you have several options. Just use the “Market” section on CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap page for that token. There, you’ll find a list of all CEXs and DEXs that offer the relevant training pair, including the trading volume. As such, you can easily pick a market that best suits your goals.

In case you decide to buy Hunters Dream tokens, use the above instructions to find a DEX or CEX that has a sufficient trading volume for that crypto.

If you go with a DEX, then you’ll need a hot Web3 wallet (e.g., MetaMask), which you’ll need to connect to the platform. Next, you’ll be able to select the trading pair and execute the on-chain transaction.

The process of using a CEX is arguably even simpler. After all, once you have your account ready and funded, it is rather straightforward: simply visit that token’s trading pair and execute the trade. However, keep in mind that whenever you use CEXs, you are not in full control of your cryptos. “Not your private key, not your crypto!”

What is A Hunters Dream (CAW)? Exploring the CAW Token

A Hunters Dream is a crypto project and also the name of that project’s cryptocurrency. Initially, that crypto launched on April 14, 2022, without any use case. Thus, it could be easily classified as a meme coin. Plus, given the token’s name, the project might be paying tribute to a video game (and a board game) called “Bloodborne” that includes a location called “Hunter’s Dream.”

However, in August 2022, creators behind CAW published a manifesto that aims to turn the token into a lot more than just a meme coin. That document also presents CAW as a decentralized social clearing house:



The following points are the gist of the CAW coin’s tokenomics:

  • Token name: A Hunters Dream
  • Symbol/ticker: CAW or $CAW
  • Network: Ethereum
  • Token type: ERC-20
  • Minting transaction timestamp: April 14, 2022, 04:41:34 AM (+UTC)
  • Smart contract address: 0xf3b9569F82B18aEf890De263B84189bd33EBe452
  • Total supply: 666,666,666,666,666 $CAW
  • Circulating supply: 636,666,666,666,667 $CAW
  • Team finance lock: 4.5% of total supply (29,999,999,999,999 $CAW)
A Hunters Dream on Etherscan

A Hunters Dream Use Cases

At the time of writing, the CAW coin has no other use cases aside from allowing users to trade it and store it in their Web3 wallets. 

However, the above-mentioned manifest, which serves as a whitepaper, positions CAW as a native currency that will power a new, fully decentralized social media (“decentralized X”) platform. For more details, read CAW’s manifesto.

Nonetheless, anyone is free to take the Decentralized Social Clearing House dapp for a spin on its testnet. To do so, click on the “Launch Testnet” button in the top-right corner of the website’s menu:

Decentralized Social Clearing House-testnet

CAW Community

According to the project’s manifesto, CAW is fully decentralized. As such, whether the project succeeds or not falls into the hands of the CAW community. The only two official channels for this community are the “cawdevelopment” GitHub repository and the “CAW builder” Telegram group:

  • The “cawdevelopment” GitHub repo:
  • “CAW builder” Telegram group:

You can find the links to all CAW-related pages/channels on the project’s official website:


Where was the CAW Token Launched?

The CAW token launched on the Ethereum blockchain on April 14, 2023. The token is a fungible cryptocurrency that follows the ERC-20 token standard. 

The project’s official website presents CAW as a mysterious token launched on the Ethereum network as an ERC-20 token with a cryptographic treasure hunt.

CAW (A Hunters Dream) Token Price Analysis & Prediction – Key Takeaways

  • The price of the CAW coin has been mainly bound to the $0.00000003-ish-$0.00000014-ish range.
  • At the time of writing, the price sits at $0.000000065-ish, more than 2x away from its ATH.
  • During the upcoming bull market, the CAW token price could increase a lot if the Decentralized Social Clearing House dapp proves to be a success. 
  • Use Moralis Money to research $CAW further.
  • Go beyond CAW with Token Explorer and find tokens before they pump!

If you liked the content presented herein, make sure to check out our other articles regarding various crypto projects! Also, in addition to analyzing coins, we offer many informative articles regarding how to take your trading game to the next level. For example, why not learn how to optimize crypto portfolio management?
WRITTEN BY Matic PircI am an SEO writer, a content creator, a digital marketing specialist, and above all an entrepreneur, with a strong passion for crypto. I believe blockchain technology has a massive potential in helping us create a better, more just, transparent, and globally united future.
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